Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Math Drill Using Technology

Title of Activity: Multiplication

Reference Section:

Grade Level: 4

Subject: Math

Brief Description of Activity:

Students will go to http://www.mathplayground.com/balloon_invaders.html where they will practice and drill their multiplication skills for numbers 2-9. When the student passes every level for multiplication, they can move on to division.

General Learning Outcome:

Develop number sense.

Specific Learning Outcome:

Describe and apply mental mathematics strategies to determine basic multiplication facts to 9x9 and related division facts.

ICT Outcomes:

F.6.2.1            power up and power down various technologies and peripherals
P.5.2.3            navigate the Internet with appropriate software

Rationale For Computer Integration:

Computers and technology are unavoidable in today’s education system. As such, computers should be used in the classroom as much as possible where appropriate so students can correctly learn computer literacy fluently. Since children thoroughly enjoy using technology, this internet-based activity can be brought into the math as motivation to learn multiplication and division. It drills both skills, effectively increasing time spent on solving problems without a pen and paper. In short, this lesson uses technology to sharpen the students’ math memories.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that using can enhance a students learning by increasing motivation through enjoyable interactive multimedia. I can attest to this, as I played this game more than once, because I wanted to be able to beat the game.
